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电视剧《南方有乔木》英文插曲《No One Knows》歌词介绍

娱乐 星关系 2018-03-27 16:24


电视剧《南方有乔木》英文插曲《No One Knows》歌词介绍

电视剧《南方有乔木》英文插曲《No One Knows》歌词介绍

No One Knows (《南方有乔木》电视剧插曲) - 汪苏泷










Holding you in my lonely night

Waiting for you to heal your wound

Dreamt we were soaring in the sky

Why is it so hard

I turned to you and braved my heart

You gave me hope but stood so still

Missing your shape out of thin air

Foolish we are

You don't know why I carry on

You don't know happiness is unbound

You took me here and made me strong

Then sudden farewell without a word

I know your heart is nearly here

But all my fears you're so unaware

I caught your lies found them everywhere

Try not to care

No one knows my heart

No one does just one thing in life

No love can fly and never fall

I used to be proud of our trust

Now full of loss then

Or should I go on with broken parts

Taking memory as coming stars

I hope I can be here without doubt

Better yourself

You don't know why I carry on

You don't know happiness is unbound

You took me here and made me strong

Then sudden farewell without a word

I know your heart is nearly here

But all my fears you're so unaware

I caught your lies found them everywhere

Try not to care

No one knows

You don't know why I carry on

You don't know happiness is unbound

You took me here and made me strong

Then sudden farewell without a word

I know your heart is nearly here

But all my fears you're so unaware

I caught your lies found them everywhere

Try not to care

No one knows my heart

责任编辑: 吉熟

责任编辑: 吉熟
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